Current Projects

Canadian Election Survey

Survey projects with Patrick Fournier, Fred Cutler and Stuart Soroka

A Longitudinal Study of Young Canadians

SSHRC funded project with Allison Harell, Miles Hewstone and Constance Flanagan. PhD student: Valérie-Anne Mahéo.

The Consequences of Ethnic and Political Diversity on Social Capital, Social Cohesion and Participation

Various projects and papers based on data from SSHRC and FQRSC grants. Includes collaborations with Allison Harell, UQAM, Canada; Marc Helbling, WZB, Germany; Tim Reeskens, Amsterdam University, Netherlands; and the Max-Planck Institute on Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen

The Consequences of Inter-Ethnic Contact

Project with Miles Hewstone, Katharina Schmid, Sören Petermann, Karen Schönwälder, Stephen Vertovec and Oliver Christ.

Measuring Support for Multiculturalism

Project with Allison Harell, Stuart Soroka and Jessica Behnke.

Internet activism and Political Consequences of Social Networking Sites

Student surveys and experiments with Sara Vissers.

Moral Licensing

Research with Yale Hertzman.

Political Consumerism in Comparative Perspective

Research with Michele Micheletti.

Creative Forms of Political Participation and their Consequences for Democracy

Analysis of secondary and original data.

Student protests in Quebec

Project with Allison Harell and Pascale Dufour.

Students: Eva Falk-Pederson and Joel Roy.

Vegetarianism as Political Participation

Research with Michele Micheletti and Yale Hertzman.

Biology and Politics

“Physiological Reactions to Campaign Speeches” with Delia Dumitrescu, Elisabeth Gidengil, and Stuart Soroka.

“The VMF and Political Decision-making” with Elisabeth Gidengil, André Blais, and Lesley Fellows.

Sources of Generalized Trust

Various projects and papers based on data funded by SSHRC, FQRSC, Russell Sage Foundation.

Various Forms of Political Knowledge

Project with Elisabeth Gidengil.

Research Interests

Areas of Specialization
Research Themes