
Barbara Hobson

Department of Sociology, Stockholm University

Natalia Letki

Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw

Kimberly Morgan

Department of Political Science, George Washington University

Eckhard Priller

Head of Civic Engagement Project Group, WZB Berlin

Wendy Rahn

Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota

James Fowler

Department of Medical Genetics and Political Science, UC San Diego

Peter Hatemi

Department of Political Science, Penn State University

Rebecca J. Hannagan

Department of Political Science, Northern Illinois University

John Hibbing

Department of Political Science, University of Nebraska

Denis Saint-Martin

Départment de Science Politique, Université de Montréal

Marc M Howard

Department of Government, Georgetown University

Brenda O'Neill

Department of Political Science, University of Calgary

Keith Banting

School of Policy Studies, Queen's University

Leslie Seidle

Institute for Research on Public Policy

Sören Holmberg

Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg

Andrew McFarland

Department of Political Science, University of Illinois at Chicago

Paul Dekker

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen Logic and Language, UvA

Karen Cook

Department of Sociology, Stanford University

Jan Van Deth

Mannheim Centre for European Social Research

Paul Whiteley

Department of Government, University of Essex

Birte Siim

Aalborg Universitet

Dario Castiglione

Department of Politics, University of Exeter

Sanjeev Prakash

University of Bergen, Norway

Per Selle

Faculty of Social Science, University of Bergen

Russell J. Dalton

Department of Political Science, UC Irvine

Hans-Dieter Klingemann

WZB Berlin

Melanee Thomas

Department of Political Science, University of Calgary

Dhavan V. Shah

School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Department of Political Science, and College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison
