2013 and In Print

Michele Micheletti, Dietlind Stolle, and Daniel Berlin. 2013.

"Sustainable Citizenship: The Role of Citizens and Consumers in Protecting the Common Good."

In Andreas Duit (ed.)

Mapping the Politics of Ecology: The Comparative Study of Environmental Governance

. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (accepted).
Dietlind Stolle, Eva Falk-Pedersen, Allison Harell, and Pascale Dufour. 2013.

«Le printemps érable» et «l’élection québécoise de 2012»

Les Québécois aux urnes: les partis, les médias et les citoyens en campagne

(sous la direction de Frédérick Bastien, Éric Bélanger et François Gélineau). Montreal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Dietlind Stolle and Michele Micheletti. 2013.

Political Consumerism—Global Responsibility in Action.

Cambridge University Press.
Sara Vissers and Dietlind Stolle. Accepted.

“The Internet and new modes of political participation: Online versus offline participation?”

Information, Communication and Society.


Laura Nishikawa and Dietlind Stolle. 2012.

“Do not Trust Strangers: How Parents Shape the Generalized Trust of Their Children.”

In Masamichi Sasaki and Robert Marsh (eds.) Trust: Comparative Perspectives. Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 133-171.
Michele Micheletti and Dietlind Stolle. 2012. “Sustainable Citizenship and the New Politics of Consumption.” In Sustainable Citizenship and the New Politics of Consumption. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 644:88-120.
Michele Micheletti, Dietlind Stolle and Daniel Berlin. 2012. “Habits of Sustainable Citizenship: The Example of Political Consumerism.” In Alan Warde and Dale Southerton (eds.),

The Habits of Consumption

, COLLeGIUM of Studies Across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 12. Helsinki: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies: 142-164.


Allison Harell and Dietlind Stolle. 2011.

“Reconciling Diversity and Community? Defining Social Cohesion in Developed Democracies.”

In Marc Hooghe (ed.)

Theoretical Perspectives on Social Cohesion and Social Capital.

Brussels: Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, 8-43.
Dietlind Stolle and Marc Hooghe. 2011. “Shifting Inequalities” European Societies 13, no. 1: 1-24.
Dietlind Stolle and Laura Nishikawa. 2011.

"Trusting Others – How Parents Shape the Generalized Trust of Their Children."

Comparative Sociology 10: 281-314.


Marc Hooghe Sara Vissers, Valérie-Anne Mahéo, and Dietlind Stolle. 2010. “Het potentieel van politieke mobilisatie: een experiment over internet en face-to-face mobilisatie” In S. Walgrave, M. Hooghe, L. Bennett, & D. Stolle (reds.),

Politieke mobilisatie en nieuwe communicatietechnologie: een multilevel studie van de digital divide

(pp. 127-157). Gent: Academia Press.


Michele Micheletti and Dietlind Stolle. 2009. "Vegetarianism - A Lifestyle Politics?" In Creative Participation: Responsibility-taking in the Political World, eds. Michele Micheletti and Andrew McFarland. Boulder, Colorado: Paradigm Publishers, pp. 125-145.
Michele Micheletti and Dietlind Stolle. 2009.

“Consumers as Political Actors.”

In Critical Food Issues: Problems and State-of-the-Art Solutions, eds. Lynn Walter and Laurel E. Phoenix. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. 188-214.


Allison Harell, Valérie-Anne Mahéo, and Dietlind Stolle. 2008.

“Bridging Differences: Youth Diversity and Civic Values: Five Bilingual Reports for Survey Participants of the McGill Youth Survey (Schools, Pupils, Online Group members, Association members, Protesters).

McGill University. 5x 2 pp.
Allison Harell, Valérie-Anne Mahéo, and Dietlind Stolle. 2008.

McGill Youth Study, Wave One: Technical Report and Codebook.

McGill University. 114 pp.
Bo Rothstein and Dietlind Stolle. 2008.

"Political Institutions and Generalized Trust."

In J. Van Deth, D. Castiglione, and G. Wolleb (eds.)

The Handbook of Social Capital

Oxford University Press, pp. 273-302


Dietlind Stolle. 2007.

“Social Capital.”

In Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior, eds. R. Dalton and D. Klingemann. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 655-674.
Marc Hooghe, Tim Reeskens, and Dietlind Stolle. 2007.

“Diversity, Multiculturalism and Social Cohesion: Trust and Ethnocentrism in European Societies.”

In Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada (Volume III), eds. K. Banting, T. Courchene, and L. Seidle. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Institute for Research on Public Policy, pp. 387-410.
Marc Hooghe, Tim Reeskens, and Dietlind Stolle. 2007.

"Ethnic Diversity, Trust, and Ethnocentrism in Europe."

In Belgian Society and Politics.

Annual Review,

Foundation Gerrit Kreveld, Belgian study centre for social democracy, pp. 115-130.
Kenneth Newton and Dietlind Stolle. 2007.

"The Costs of Multiculturalism."

In WZB-Mitteilungen 118, pp. 14-17.
Dietlind Stolle and Bo Rothstein. 2007.

“Institutionelle Grundlagen des Sozialkapitals."

Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Sonderheft 47: 113-140.


Dietlind Stolle and Elisabeth Gidengil. 2006.

“Boosting Women’s Political Resources: The Power of Women’s Social Networks.”

Final Report of Research Findings for the Status of Women, pp. 1-119.
Marc Hooghe, Tim Reeskens, and Dietlind Stolle. 2006.

“Etnische diversiteit, etnocentrisme en vertrouwen.”


Europa. Samenleving en politiek

13, no. 6: 7-21.
Marc Hooghe, Tim Reeskens, and Dietlind Stolle. 2006.

“Variaties in samenleven. Het samenleven in etnisch diverse gemeenschappen.”

In M. Hooghe (Red.) Op zoek naar politiek. Democratie en de verplaatsing van de politiek. Leuven: Acco, pp. 123-139.
Marc Hooghe and Dietlind Stolle. 2006.

“Een verschuiving van de politieke participatie. Politieke participatie en ongelijkheid, 1974-2002.”

In M. Hooghe (Red.) Op zoek naar politiek. Democratie en de verplaatsing van de politiek. Leuven: Acco, pp. 23-41.


Dietlind Stolle and Cesi Cruz. 2005.

“Youth Civic Engagement in Canada: Implications for Public Policy.”

In Social Capital in Action: Thematic Policy Studies. Policy Research Initiative, pp. 82-114.
Dietlind Stolle and Michele Micheletti. 2005.

“Warum werden Käufer zu ‘politischen Verbrauchern?"

Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen 18, no. 4: 41-52.
Marc Hooghe and Dietlind Stolle. 2005.

“Kroniek van een aangekondigde oorlog. Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de verslaggeving in de aanloop naar de oorlog in Irak.”

In M. Hooghe, K. De Swert, and S. Walgrave (eds.)

Nieuws op Televisie. Televisiejournaals als Venster op de Wereld. Jaarboek van het Electronische NieuwsArchief 1."

Acco, Leuven: Res Publica Bibliotheek vol. 3, pp. 175-194.
Marc Hooghe and Dietlind Stolle. 2005.

“Youth organisations within political parties. Political recruitment and the transformation of party systems.”

In J. Forbrig (ed.) Revisiting youth political participation, Strasbourg: Council of Europe pp. 43-51 (an adaptation of the Party Politics article).
Dietlind Stolle and Michele Micheletti. 2005.

“Why Become a Political Consumer?”

For the Special Issue on “The Underestimated Consumer-Power - Prospects for the New Consumer Movement,” Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen, no. 4.
Dietlind Stolle and Michele Micheletti. 2005.

“The Gender Gap Reversed.”

In B. O'Neill and E. Gidengil (eds.) Gender and Social Capital. London: Routledge, pp. 45-72.
Michele Micheletti and Dietlind Stolle. 2005.

“The Concept of Political Consumerism.”

In L. R. Sherrod (ed.), Youth Activism—An International Encyclopedia. Greenwood Publishing, Westport, pp. 238-250.
Michele Micheletti and Dietlind Stolle. 2005. "The Market as an Arena for Transnational Politics." Youth Activism-A Web Forum organized by the Social Science Research Council.
Michele Micheletti and Dietlind Stolle. 2005.

“Swedish Political Consumers: Who they are and why they use the market as an arena for politics.”

Political Consumerism: Its Motivations, Power, and Conditions in the Nordic Countries and Elsewhere (TemaNord 2005:517). Proceedings from the 2nd International Seminar on Political Consumerism, Oslo August 26-29, 2004, pp. 145-164.


Marc Hooghe and Dietlind Stolle. 2004. Special Issue: Youth and Politics, Acta Politica 39, no. 4.
Michele Micheletti and Dietlind Stolle. 2004.

“Politiska konsumenter: Marknaden som arena för politiska val.”

In Sören Holmberg and Lennart Weibull (eds.)

Ju mer vi är tillsammans

, SOM Institute, pp. 103-116.
Dietlind Stolle and Bo Rothstein. 2004.

“Die Rolle von Bürokratie aus erster Hand—Soziales Kapital und Wohlfahrtsstaatliche Gerechtigkeit.”

In S. Liebig, H. Lengfeld and S. Mau (eds.),

Wer soll was bekommen? Verteilungsprobleme moderner Gesellschaften,

pp. 271-296.
Dietlind Stolle. 2004.

“Communities, Social Capital and Local Government—Generalized Trust in Regional Settings.”

In S. Prakash and P. Sell (eds.) Investigating Social Capital: Comparative Perspectives on Civil Society, Participation and Governance. Sage: pp. 184-206.


Marc Hooghe and Dietlind Stolle (eds.) 2003. Generating Social Capital: Civil Society and Institutions in Comparative Perspective. New York: Palgrave/St. Marin Press.
Bo Rothstein and Dietlind Stolle (eds.) 2003. “Introduction: Social Capital in Scandinavia." Scandinavian Political Studies. Special Issue on Social Capital in Scandinavia, March 26(1), pp. 1-26.
Bo Rothstein and Dietlind Stolle (eds.) 2003. "Social Capital in Scandinavia." Special issue of Scandinavian Political Studies 26, no. 1.
Dietlind Stolle. 2003.

“Communities, Social Capital and Local Government: Generalized Trust in Regional Settings.”

(A study of three Swedish regions), S. Prakash and P. Selle (eds.) Investigating Social Capital: Comparative Perspectives on Civil Society, Participation and Governance. Sage India.
Michele Micheletti, Andreas Føllesdal, and Dietlind Stolle. 2003.


In M. Micheletti, A. Føllesdal, and D. Stolle (eds.) Politics, Products, and Markets. Exploring Political Consumerism Past and Present. New Brunswick, Transaction Press, pp. ix-xxvi.
Dietlind Stolle and Marc Hooghe. 2003.

“Consumers as Political Participants? Shifts in Political Action Repertoires in Western Societies.”

In M. Micheletti, A. Føllesdal, and D. Stolle (eds.) Politics, Products, and Markets. Exploring Political Consumerism Past and Present. New Brunswick, Transaction Press, pp. 265-288.
Michele Micheletti, Andreas Føllesdal, and Dietlind Stolle. 2003.


In M. Micheletti, A. Føllesdal, and D. Stolle (eds.) Politics, Products, and Markets. Exploring Political Consumerism Past and Present. New Brunswick, Transaction Press, pp. 289-299.
Marc Hooghe and Dietlind Stolle. (2003).

“Introduction: Generating Social Capital.”

In M. Hooghe and D. Stolle (eds.) Generating Social Capital: Civil Society and Institutions in Comparative Perspective. New York: Palgrave, pp. 19-42.
Dietlind Stolle. 2003.

“The Sources of Social Capital Reconsidered.”

In M. Hooghe and D. Stolle (eds.) Generating Social Capital: Civil Society and Institutions in Comparative Perspective. New York: Palgrave, pp. 191-210.
Bo Rothstein and Dietlind Stolle. 2003.

“Social Capital, Impartiality and the Welfare State: An Institutional Approach.”

In M. Hooghe and D. Stolle (eds.) Generating Social Capital: Civil Society and Institutions in Comparative Perspective. New York: Palgrave, pp. 191-210.
Dietlind Stolle and Marc Hooghe. 2003.

“Conclusion-the Sources of Social Capital Reconsidered.”

In M. Hooghe and D. Stolle (eds.) Generating Social Capital: Civil Society and Institutions in Comparative Perspective. New York: Palgrave, pp. 231-248.


Dietlind Stolle. 2002. Trusting Strangers: The Concept of Generalized Trust in Perspective. In G.S. Schaal (ed.) Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft. Schwerpunktheft 4, 2/4, pp. 397-412.
Marc Hooghe and Dietlind Stolle. 2002.

“Sociaal kapitaal: een taak voor het verenigingsleven?”

Vorming. Vaktijdschrift voor volwasseneneducatie en sociaal-cultureel werk

, 17, no. 6: 415-424.
Marc Hooghe and Dietlind Stolle. 2002.

“De invloed van jeugdparticipatie op social kapitaal-indicatoren bij volassenen: een Analyse van Retrospectieve Surveygegevens en Paneldata.”

Ethiek & Maatschappij 5, no. 4: 3-32.
Bo Rothstein and Dietlind Stolle. 2002.

“Social Capital, Impartiality, and the Welfare State: An Institutional Approach.”

In D. Castiglione (ed.)

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Capital.

University of Exeter Political Science Department, Exeter.
Dietlind Stolle and Jane Lewis. 2002. "Social Capital: An Emerging Concept." In B. Hobson, J. Lewis and B. Siim (eds.) Contested Concepts in Gender and European Social Politics. Edward Elgar Press, Cheltenham: pp. 195-229.


Dietlind Stolle. 2001.

“Clubs and Congregations: The Benefits of Joining an Association.”

In K. Cook (ed.) Trust in Society. Russell Sage Foundation: pp. 202-244.
Dietlind Stolle. 2001.

“Getting to Trust: An Analysis of the Importance of Institutions, Families, Personal Experiences and Group Membership.”

In P. Dekker and E.M. Uslaner (eds.) Politics in Everyday Life: Social Capital and Participation. Routledge: pp. 118-132.


Dietlind Stolle. 2000.

Public Life, Community and Social Capital: A Comparative Study of Sweden, Germany and the United States.

Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton University.
Dietlind Stolle. 2000.

“Onderzoek naar sociaal kapitaal: ontwikkeling en perspectieven.”

Tijdschrift voor Sociologie 20, no. 3-4: 247-282.


Dietlind Stolle and Thomas Rochon. 1999.

“The Myth of American Exceptionalism: A Three Nation Comparison of Associational Membership and Social Capital.”

In J. Van Deth, M. Marraffi, K. Newton and P. Whiteley (eds.) Social Capital and European Democracy. London: Routledge, pp. 192-209.

