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Closed Borders, Human Rights, and Democratic Legitimation.” In Driven From Home: Human Rights and the New Realities of Forced Migration. Ed. David Hollenbach. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2010.

Citizenship, Immigration, and Boundaries.” In Ethics and World Politics. Ed. D. S. A. Bell. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.



"Démocratie, nation et ethnie : le problème des frontières.” Raison publique (2013).

"On the Demos and its Kin: Nationalism, Democracy, and the Boundary Problem." American Political Science Review 106.4 (2012): 867-882.

"Democratic Legitimacy and State Coercion: A Reply to David Miller." Political Theory 38.1 (2010): 121-130.

"Democratic Theory and Border Coercion: No Right to Unilaterally Control Your Own Borders." Political Theory 36.1 (2008): 37-65.

"Democratic Elections without Campaigns? Normative Foundations of National Baha'i Elections." World Order 37.1 (2005): 7-49.

Historical Truth, National Myths, and Liberal Democracy: On the Coherence of Liberal Nationalism.The Journal of Political Philosophy 12.3 (2004): 291-313.

The Passions of the Wise: Phronêsis, Rhetoric and Aristotle’s Passionate Practical Deliberation.The Review of Metaphysics 56.2 (2002): 267-296.

Does Liberal Democracy Presuppose a Cultural Nation? Four Arguments. American Political Science Review 96.3 (2002): 495-509.

Informational Constraint and Focal Point Convergence: Theoretical Implications of Plurality-Rule Elections for the New Institutionalism.Rationality and Society 13.1 (2001): 99–136.